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【講座】2023 Apri-May 全球衛生學程職涯系列講座

全球衛生學程將於下週起至5月底舉辦三場(全英文)的職涯講座,詳細資訊請參照下列各場次的內容。誠摯邀請大家踴躍參與。三場均安排於午餐時段,會提供報名者餐點,請大家盡早報名。如需進一步諮詢,歡迎聯繫GHP辦公室(02) 3366-8094 / ntumgh@ntu.edu.tw

報名連結:https://forms.gle/Exqd6Mr2dm8VAAY69  (2023424日中午12時截止)



GHP Alumni’s Experience Sharing

時間:2023  425 () 12:20-13:20


講師:Florence Elaine Wong (Clinical Research Associate, AnnJi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.)Fariha Tasnim Hossain (Health Communications Specialist, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention)Winston Kurnia Lie (Medical Student, Harvard Medical School)


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Exploring Alternative Career Paths in Public Health: Insights from a Field Epidemiologist in Humanitarian Settings
時間2023  516 () 12:20-13:20


講師Stephen Chua (Field Epidemiologist, Medical Teams International)
"Stephen Chua is a field epidemiologist and public health professional with extensive experience working in  humanitarian settings. He holds a Master of Public Health (MPH) from the University of Edinburgh and a Master of Science (MSc) in Infectious Diseases from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. He has worked with a range of organisations, including the United Nations and Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), and is currently a monitoring and evaluation specialist for a US-based humanitarian organisation.


Stephen’s work has taken him to some of the world’s most challenging and complex public health emergencies, including the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, the refugee crisis in the Middle East, the COVID-19 response in the Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh."

"This GHP career lecture will introduce the unique and diverse career paths available in public health, providing a glimpse into the exciting world of field epidemiology in humanitarian settings. Stephen will share his insights and practical advice on how to pursue a career within this field, as well as the challenges and opportunities that come with working in emergencies, such as adapting to different cultural contexts, working with limited resources and dealing with crises within conflict-affected settings."


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Increasing Access to MedicinesShaping Markets
時間2023  529 () 12:20-13:20


講師Chia-Ying Lin (Program Officer, Results for Development)
