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12/19日中午流預所邀請於美國賓州州立大學任教的邱鈺涵博士前來流預所演講,講題為Estimating the health effects of interventions in a target population: a causal inference approach.


邱博士畢業於台大醫學系,於哈佛公共衛生學院取得流行病學博士,專攻營養流行病學,博士後期間則加入由Dr. Miguel Hernán領軍的CAUSALab專注於因果推論之發展,並將相關方法應用於pregnancy and cardiovascular outomces之研究,發表成果豐碩。邱博士於2023年加入Penn State College of Medicine,擔任流行病學助理教授一職,其相關研究與實驗室資訊可見這裡



Randomized trials are considered the gold standard for medical evidence. However, large randomized trials can be costly, infeasible, or untimely. Even when trials are available, trial results may not directly apply to the target population. In this talk, I will present causal inference approaches to estimate the health effects of interventions in the target population. Specifically, when randomized trials are not available, I will describe a novel framework to emulate a target trial to estimate the effects of treatment strategies using observational data. When trials are available but trial participants are not representative of the target population, I will describe a framework for extending inferences from trials to the target population. Within this context, I will discuss a common and unappreciated bias that affects the applied generalizability and transportability analyses. The framework and methods are applicable to evaluating different treatment strategies for epidemiological research.

