Department of Surgery
Washington University School of Medicine
演講時間: 2023/1/9 14:00-15:00
地點: R201
演講題目: Multiple myeloma: prevention, control, and health disparities
Abstract: Multiple myeloma is a common hematologic malignancy with marked racial differences in the incidence of its precursor disease, MGUS, and myeloma, as well as in the survival. In this talk, Dr. Chang will discuss her research on potential opportunities for interventions to prevent disease progression. She will also discuss her ongoing U01 project, as a CISNET cancer site, on comparative modeling to assess novel intervention strategies for prevention and control across myeloma care continuum with the goals of reducing myeloma burden and health disparities.
Chang’s research focuses on health and economic burden of obesity and surgical treatments of obesity, transplant outcomes, multiple myeloma prevention, and health disparities. Her research uses economic and econometric/statistical modeling to evaluate program and treatment effects. Dr. Chang’s expertise includes treatment effect and policy evaluation, decision analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, meta-analysis, and comparative effectiveness. Dr. Chang’s research has been funded by AHRQ and NIH. This talk will focus on her myeloma studies and myeloma health disparities funded by NCI R01 and U01 grants.